


手术后, many people might naturally assume that bed rest is the main aspect of a successful recovery. And while it’s certainly important for patients to take it easy following an operation, physical therapy is also an important part of post-operative care—in many patients, 在出院之前和之后.

让病人在安全的情况下尽快轻轻活动,可以帮助减少术后不久的并发症. 让病人完全康复, 物理治疗是中长期康复计划的重要组成部分, 太. 手术后不进行物理治疗, 患者可能会出现肌肉萎缩和不平衡, 僵硬的关节, and possibly even more dangerous conditions like blood clots or respiratory issues.

物理治疗师和物理治疗师助理(pta)帮助术后患者重建他们的力量和恢复他们的活动能力, 无论是从运动损伤还是大的内部手术中恢复. 让bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载来仔细看看pta, 以及他们对术后护理的重要贡献.

想了解更多关于家庭教师协会的职业? 探索bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的深度文章 如何成为一名物理治疗师助理,或bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的指南 理疗师助理的顶级工作.


物理治疗师助理(pta)是训练有素的bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全专业人员,在持牌物理治疗师的指导下工作. 家长会s provide hands-on care, including massage and other manual therapy methods. 的y also guide patients through therapeutic exercises to build strength and mobility, 根据他们的个人治疗计划. In many clinics, 家长会s spend more time with their patients than their supervising PT.

家庭教师通过副学士学位课程接受正式培训, 他们学习解剖学, 了解许多不同的医疗条件, 并接受各种治疗方式的培训. While 家长会s don’t have the same level of training that a physical therapist does, 他们仍然有足够的在职自主权和机会为他们的病人带来改变. 他们还需要通过国家认证考试, 并在他们执业的州持有执照.

Although 家长会s can still perform many of the day-to-day therapeutic methods physical therapists use, physical therapists have a broader scope of practice due to their advanced education and training. pta不能对病人进行初步评估或诊断, 或者设计治疗方案——这些责任是物理治疗师的执业范围的一部分. However, 家长会s are instrumental in implementing the treatment plans designed by their supervising PT.


病人在手术后接受的护理——无论是来自他们的bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全提供者还是他们自己的习惯——都会对任何手术的结果产生重大影响. 适当的术后护理对于避免漫长的恢复时间至关重要, 减少术后疼痛, 并减少并发症或长期问题的风险.

Post-operative care requires a collaborative approach between multiple healthcare providers, 从教授病人伤口护理的护士到帮助病人重新活动起来的物理治疗师和pta. 如果做得好, 术后护理可以使患者顺利康复,也可以使患者预后恶化.



在任何病人开始接受治疗之前, it’s important to assess their condition and develop a treatment plan appropriate for their needs. While patient assessments fall under the scope of practice of a physical therapist, 在初步评估观察期间,pta可能仍然存在, 文档, 或者根据要求提供帮助.

在病人评估期间, pta可以帮助他们的指导PT测量病人的力量, 活动范围, 或者记录他们报告的症状或疼痛程度. This information helps the physical therapist determine the best path forward, 并为病人的康复历程建立基准.



比如病人的初步评估, development of treatment plans falls under the responsibility of a licensed physical therapist. 使用在初始评估期间收集的信息, a PT develops a treatment plan tailored to each patient’s individual needs. 一旦监督PT制定了治疗计划, pta在实施每位患者的护理计划方面至关重要.

Post-operative physical therapy involves a massive range of treatment modalities, depending on the procedure performed and the overall health of the patient. pta可能会在手术后使用手工疗法来帮助分解疤痕组织, 放松紧绷的肌肉, 或者调动僵硬的关节. 的y commonly use temperature therapy or electrical devices to manage inflammation, 减少疼痛, 并促进健康组织的再生.

pta还指导患者进行有针对性的锻炼,以加强受手术影响的任何区域, 无论是胃部手术后的腹肌, 或者膝关节置换术后的腿部肌肉.  在某些术后病例中, 物理治疗师助理可以与病人一起进行步态训练或神经肌肉训练,以改善他们的姿势, 或者重新建立它们的平衡和协调. 胸部或腹部手术后, they may also help patients with breathing exercises to help prevent pulmonary issues.


大多数病人每个月只接受几个小时的物理治疗, which means a successful recovery often depends on how well they continue their care at home. 物理治疗师助理在教导病人如何进行规定的锻炼方面发挥着重要作用, and in helping them understand the importance of participating in their own recovery.

Recovering from major surgery can be just as challenging emotionally as it is physically. 物理治疗练习可能是困难的或不愉快的, 一些患者可能会因为渴望舒适而避免遵循他们的治疗计划. 家长会s can support their patients by helping them establish achievable goals, 庆祝他们的胜利, 要把大局放在心上.

透明的, empathetic communication with patients helps them keep realistic expectations, 并使他们能够继续参与他们的康复. 的 best 家长会s are often equal parts healthcare providers, teachers, and motivational speakers!


特别是对仍在住院的病人, 物理治疗师助理必须与外科医生和护士等其他bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全专业人员密切合作. 家长会s should communicate with nurses to understand each patient’s medication schedule, 疼痛的水平, 还有其他的考虑. 他们还应该准备好向同事传达患者病情的任何担忧或变化.

家长会s may also work with other healthcare professionals like occupational therapists, 营养师, 心理健康专业人员, and even some specialized roles like respiratory therapists for certain patients. 通过对患者健康的整体看法和与其他bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全专业人员合作的方法, 家长会s can help their patients benefit from the collective expertise of the entire healthcare team.


While physical therapy is an essential part of almost any post-operative recovery, 但这并不意味着对病人或pta来说总是容易的. 手术后患者可能会感到明显的疼痛, which can hinder their ability (or willingness) to follow their treatment plan.

疼痛, 无聊, 或者进展缓慢也会导致患者感到沮丧, 疲劳, 或灰心丧气. 有些病人可能对自己的康复抱有不切实际的期望, or choose to ignore instructions or limitations given by their surgeon or physical therapist.

对于私人助理来说,重要的是能够在推动病人和让他们感到舒适和安全免受挫折之间保持平衡. 花时间解释为什么某些练习或指导很重要,可以帮助患者更多地参与他们的康复. pta也可以修改某些运动,或为疼痛或挣扎的患者提供替代方案.

优先沟通和努力了解每个病人的挑战有助于在病人和提供者之间建立信任关系, which in turn encourages patients to stay compliant with their treatment plan.



随着bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全行业和医疗技术的不断发展, pta在术后护理中的作用必将随之发展. Telehealth and virtual care continue to expand in popularity and capability, 而私立教师协会需要跟上新兴技术的发展,比如虚拟护理平台和可穿戴设备,这些设备可以提供实时远程反馈.

手术方法和技术几乎肯定会进步, 因此,在新的治疗方法或手术技术的影响下,pta们应该注意与新的术后治疗方案相关的继续教育. And as machine-learning and AI 太ls continue to become part of the healthcare industry, 物理治疗专业人员应该注意如何帮助优化患者的治疗计划, 发现有问题的模式, 更准确地跟踪复苏.

特别是在病人教育或预防保健方面, 随着bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全继续向更全面的病人护理转变,私人助理可能也会看到他们的责任扩大. 帮助患者建立健康的生活习惯并为他们提供资源,以解决健康的社会决定因素,也可能涉及与个案工作者或社区卫生专业人员的合作.


从住院医院到门诊治疗诊所, 家长会s make valuable contributions to post-operative care for a wide variety of patients. 他们的同情心, 鼓励, and skills help surgical patients stay on track with their recoveries—while minimizing pain, 挫折, 一路上都有挫折.

如果你想当家庭教师教师, you’ll want to choose a training program that prepares you for a fast-changing healthcare industry. 的 物理治疗师助理项目 at 普洛佛大学 旨在帮助您建立实用和全面的家长会技能, 由经验丰富的理疗专家指导. 不到两年, 你可以过渡到一个回报丰厚、发展迅速的职业领域,在那里你每天都能有所作为.

想了解更多关于家长会专业的知识,在那里你将有机会提供大量的术后护理? 看看bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的指南,如何成为一个 体育理疗师助理.